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X-NewsSoftware: GRn 2.0e Oct 23, 1993
From: jkrutz@meta.burner.com (Jamie Krutz)
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
Subject: Re: Faces, Bevel and Align
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In article <Pine.3.89.9408052338.A13984-0100000@cais2.cais.com> "JLFITZ@cais" <jlfitz@cais.cais.com> writes:
> Regards All...
> I have created an object from a Type 1 font and have extruded it.
> When I check the surface normal's orientation at this point things are
> OK. When I lasso the front poly's (the faces) and add a bevel, the
> surface normals change independently to both directions. Using Align
> (even after merge points) seems useless. Any ideas on how to battle this
> dilemma?
I notice that after I bevel text, certain faces reverse direction and so
appear transparent. "Appear transparent," heh. Did I write that? :)
I've noticed this with S's and C's so far.
I just select the offending polygons and flip them.
> Also, just out of curiosity, how do you (personally) assign your
> surfaces to text objects?
Here's one way:
-Click on polygon selection mode (selects everything as long as you don't
click to select any particular polygons).
-Create or select a "bevel" surface (name it whatever you want, I name it
"bevel"). For the moment this will make all polygons into the "bevel"
Now all you have to do is select and rename the other polygons:
-Use "Exclude" Volume selection to select the sides and backs of the letters
by drawing the selection box from the side of the word.
-Create or select a "side" surface (again, name it whatever you want)
-Still with "Exclude" Volume selection, select the faces of the letters
by drawing the selection box from the side of the word.
-Create or select a "front" surface (or whatever name you want to give
to the front polygons).
Now the fronts of the letters are the "front" surface, the bevel polygons
are the "bevel" surface, and the side and back polygons are the "side"
Another way would be to change the current surface each time
before generating the flat text, extruding it, and bevelling it.
> BTW, great to have Lightwave on the InterNet!
This list is great! The time Allen and Stuart spend here is
much appreciated, as are all the hints, tips and news shared by